Peace Love Happiness

Our Professional service well help you by saving you time and energy. Confidential. Personalized. We will bring you love of the highest quality.


Oscar McLovin

You’re single and successful. You have an amazing life. Just one thing is missing. That someone special to share it with. Of course, not just anyone will do. You need someone who fits your particular needs; Who makes you happy. But as you know, finding that perfect match is a difficult endeavor. That’s where Apple Tree Dating comes in. For more than 6 years, we have successfully paired singles throughout the world. Let our network of accomplished matchmakers work for you.

I can’t believe you introduced me to this gorgeous woman. We have put our memberships on hold and are making plans for our future. She is exceptional in every way – Gorgeous, kind, sensitive, charitable… I could go on and on. To think how long I have been searching and you made this happen in less than a few months. You totally got me!
– John, 54

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